Shoot on 10 ring score targets. 30 shots prone 30 shots standing out of 600 total.
20 shot test
shoot on 10 ring score targets. 10 shots prone 10 shots standing out of 200.
Shooting ladders
Prone or standing, no time limit, on metal. Get into position, hit one target, get out of position, reset target. Get into position, hit two targets, get out of position, reset target. Get into position, hit three targets, get out of position, reset target. Continue this until you reach 5 hits in a row. If at any time you miss a shot you must immediately stop get out of position and restart at 1.
Hits in a row
Prone or standing, no time limit, on metal. Get into position and begin shooting, continue shooting until you miss a target. If you miss you must start over. See how many hits you can have in a row.
20 x 1 shot test
on metal targets 10 prone then 10 standing 1 shots, for time, each miss = 10 second penalty. Start behind the mat rifle on back get into position shoot one shot get out of position rifle on back off the mat. Change magazines between each shot. Person with the lowest overall time including penalties wins.
French shooting test
out of 600
point test
4 parts....
Part 1) on paper 10 ring score targets 10/10
prone/standing for score no time limit out of 200 points.
Part 2) out of 200 points 4x5
shots ppss, timed, 10points deduct for each miss, 1 point deduct for each
second over 1:20. Have a partner reset your target.
Part 3) One shots full range procedure rifle on and off back changing magazines hit
5 targets prone as many bullets as needed, for time, over 1 minute is 1 point deduct for each second, clock stops after 5 hit targets.
Part 4) Same as part 3 but standing, any time over 50 seconds in 1 point deduct for each second.
Level 1 or walking Time Trial
Just like a simulation race but you have to stay in L1 or be walking. Have a short ski/walk loop about 30 seconds- 1 minute as well as a short penalty loop. Mass start first person to finish the race wins.
20 second test
Start standing behind your mat with all four magazines loaded. On go get into position and shoot 5 shots prone. After your shots get out of position and for every missed shot you must stand behind your mat for 20 seconds. After your penalty time is up you can begin your second prone stage, shoot 5 shots then stand behind your mat for 20 seconds for each missed penalty. After prone continue with standing. First person to be done with their penalties after standing wins. Reset your own targets.
Team one shots.
Prone or standing, with a partner, on metal. Partner A goes first starts with rifle on back, gets into position, shoots one shot, then gets out of position rifle on back, tag partner B, partner B gets into position, shoots one shot, gets out of position with rifle on back. Continue tagging off between partners until all 5 targets are down. First team to have all 5 hits wins.
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